Breakout Sessions
Please choose one session from each time period.
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Session 1
9:30 - 10:05 1. Selena Stevenson "Fearless- A Call To Go Deeper! " Don’t allow fear to steal your destiny; I promise you, a better you is on the other side of fear. Fear’s assignments all too often hold us back from going where God has called us to go, souls He’s called us to reach, land to possess and positions of victory to occupy until He comes. Fears strip many of their God-given purpose and derail destinies. All too often we find ourselves overwhelmed, afraid, and unsure because of life’s circumstances. Fear's affects do appear ever so real; but your position in Christ, trumps fear! Fear is a lie. God is greater than the issues we face in our day to day. Our God is Greater, Larger, Taller, BIGGER than the giants in our lives. The good news is that in the Word of God, we have everything we need to successfully drop kick fear out of our lives. Those who know their God, will stand firm and take action/do exploits! It’s Time To Go Deeper! Dan. 11:32 “...but those who know their God, will stand firm and will take action.” 2. Panel Discussion Monique Rogers, Melissa McCormick "Parenting (Teens) with a FEARLESS heart! YOU are anointed to parent during the teen years." Join us as we discuss parenting teens through the power of the Holy Spirit's work and practical steps given in God's Word. We also plan to have Q&A time during our session. If your children are younger, NOW is a great time to put these things into place! 3. Kelly Duncan "Transition to Transformation to Triumph - Fearless in the Process of Transition " From the book of Esther we see that we can be fearless as we go through the process of transition. The process can have a down side, but if you surrender to the process God is allowing you to go through, you can go from transition to transformation to triumph. God is looking for some Esthers who will be fearless in transition. 4. Judy Yonkers "Responding with Faith in the Face of Fear, Living in the Supernatural" How you respond determines your outcome. Faith operates in the boundaries of what Jesus has already made available. You cannot use your faith to make something happen that has not already been done. Faith doesn’t create; Faith takes and brings into manifestation what Jesus has already created! In this workshop we will see examples in The Word of God and you will understand that Your days of insufficiency are over, your days of sickness are over, your days of lack are over, because a faith response will always release supernatural manifestations in your life. 5. Kevie Anderson "Train Yourself to Change Your Thinking From 911 Emergency to Psalm 91:1 Protection Over You and Your Family’s Lives." |
Session 2
10:10 - 10:40 1. Rose Armstrong "COURAGEOUS - BRAVE" Ever been confronted with obstacles and situations that both scares you and challenges you? What kind of picture does that situation paint in front of you? Do you feel like the Lion in the Wizard of Oz, with no courage at all or do you sometimes feel like David when he fought the battle with Goliath? Yea, I can relate. Let’s learn from a Fearless Woman that looked death in the eye, set herself on a journey of faith. 2. Panel Discussion Serena DeVries, Cathi VanDonkelaar, Schar McKinnon "In This for the Long Haul - Longevity in Ministry - How to Make it and Not Quit" Longevity in Ministry - How to Make it and Not Quit. Join this power packed panel lead by three friends who have gone through the many fires and battles of life. They each are strong ministers of the Gospel with a treasure trove of wisdom and knowledge to share. Join them as they share both testimonies and keys to making it all the way to the end! 3. Stephanie Green "Discovering the Power of Your Testimony" Everyone of us has stood in front of our personal Goliath's, giants of insecurity, failure, and fear. God has given us the tools we need to find victory in seemingly impossible situations. We can find our breakthrough if we can dig through our past victories that led up to this moment. What are the lions and the bears in your life? 4. Delores Cole "Life After the Death of a Spouse or Loved One" This session is designed to provide women with tools to live free from fear after the death of a spouse or loved one. We will discuss how to become involved in activities to avoid being isolated from others and becoming fearful along the new journey. 5. Francine Wells "Time to be Bold and Fearless" It is time to fully trust in the Lord, speak the Word, and use the authority we have been given in Him! |